Save YouTube & Vimeo Links Directly to Your Vault

Modified on: Wed, 18 Sep, 2024 at 5:20 PM

Save YouTube and Vimeo links with Drag & Drop, preview them directly in the vault, and edit names to keep your media organized without downloading!

Our most recent release introduces a new capability supporting additional file types and now allowing users to save YouTube and Vimeo video links directly in their Vault using Drag & Drop. This enhancement makes it easy to organize media content and watch videos directly inside the Vault. Please note: file uploads using the Actions button will fail for these links; only Drag & Drop is supported.

How It Works

  1. Drag & Drop YouTube or Vimeo Links
    • Users can save video links by creating a shortcut of the video(s) on their desktop and dragging it into their desired Vault folder.
    • You can also drag & drop links directly from YouTube or Vimeo into the vault.
  2. Video Name Settings
    • When a video link is saved via drag & drop, the video name will default to the URL. You can edit the name later on for better organization.
  3. Direct Video Preview
    • Once the link is saved, you can preview the video directly inside the Vault without needing to download or navigate away.

Drag and Drop Video Links and Files into FutureVault

This feature allows users to efficiently organize and preview their YouTube and Vimeo video links without storing large media files. It’s a simple way to reference important video content within your Vault structure.

  • Actions Button Restriction: Attempting to upload YouTube or Vimeo links via the Actions button will fail. Only Drag & Drop is supported.
  • Download and Print Restrictions: The saved links cannot be downloaded or printed, ensuring content usage compliance.

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