How to Assign Entities to a Document

Modified on: Tue, 11 Feb, 2025 at 1:06 AM

An entity is a way to organize documents and manage permissions more effectively. Assigning entities allows you to filter documents easily using the Dynamic Visualization tool, helping you focus on files related to a specific entity without sorting through an entire folder.

By default, every vault has one primary entity, named based on the vault’s creation. It’s best to set up entities before uploading documents to ensure smooth organization.

Assigning Entities to Folders

To automatically tag documents with an entity, assign it to a folder before adding files:

1. Assign an Entity When Creating a Folder

  • Navigate to the desired location and click the plus button or go to the Actions menu.
  • Select "Create a Folder".
  • Under "Entity", choose the entity you want to associate with this folder.
  • If you don’t see this option, check the right-side panel or zoom out.
  • Click "Create" to save the folder.

The Entity option selection is located below the folder location when creating a folder

2. Assign an Entity to an Existing Folder

  • Right-click on the folder or select it and open the Actions menu.
  • Click "Entity".
  • Add or remove entities as needed.
  • Click "Update" to save changes.

Right-click on the folder or select it and open the Actions menu. Select the entity and click Update

3. Automatically Assign Entities to Documents

  • Once a folder has an assigned entity, any documents uploaded into that folder will inherit the entity automatically.
  • Drag and drop files into the folder to ensure they are properly tagged.

Overriding Folder Entities When Uploading Files

If you want all files you upload to be assigned to a specific entity, regardless of folder settings, use the Override Folder Entity feature:

  1. Click "Filter by Entity" on the right-side panel.
  2. At the bottom, you’ll see a message: "When uploading documents, the above-selected entities will override the default folder entities."
  3. Enable this feature and Select the entity you want to use, and all uploaded documents will follow this selection instead of the folder entity.

Overriding Folder Entities When Uploading Files

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