Sharing Documents in the Vault

Modified on: Thu, 2 Mar, 2023 at 2:30 PM

You have two ways to share a document with a contact, you can add that person as a Trusted Advisor or you can share one document by an encrypted link. Depending on your role and permissions you will be able to add a trusted advisor or not. 

Ways to Share:

Share with a Trusted Advisor

Step 1: Double click on the contact, or right click and select Edit Permission.

Step 2: Click on Edit Permissions

Step 3: Choose the access and permission, click Save

  • You can skip the General Permissions. However, if you would like this collaborator to add reminders, please add Manage Reminders.
  • It's mandatory to choose at least 1 Entity. The collaborator will have the same folder access to all the entities they have been assigned, and will only see the documents tagged to the entity they have access to. 
  • To show the documents on the Permission window click on the document icon.
  • If the collaborators is set directly on the vault, can have access to any folder level, if the collaborator. if it is set up as a Global Trusted Advisor will only have access up to level 2 (subcategory)

Step 4: Choose if you want to send the notification

  • If it's the first time you are setting up this contact as a Collaborator you need to send the email notification. An automatic email will be sent with an invitation link.
  • You can choose to send it later if you want.
  • The status of the contact will show when has been Invited or Active.

Share with an encrypted link

Step 1: Right-click on the Document you want to share

  • You can only share one document at the time
  • You can add a password-protected PDF to add an extra layer of security. The preview of the file won't show until the user add the password.

Step 2: Select Share 

Step 3: Type the email or the name if it's already in your contact

  • Select the name or the email.

Step 4: Keep or edit the Subject and message

Step 5: Add an expiration date

  • For an added level of security please add an expiration date. Anyone that has access to the link will be able to view and download this document.
  • Once the expiration date passes the link will expire, and the external user won't have access to the document.
  • View and download actions are tracked on the History of the document.

Step 6: Click the Share button

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