Upload Button

Modified on: Tue, 11 Feb, 2025 at 2:01 AM

You can use the + button to upload documents at any time. It's located in the top-right corner.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Using the Upload Button

Step 1: Click the "+" button on the top-right of the screen

  • Select "Upload Documents"

Step 2: Select the location and click "Upload to this location"

  1. You can save the file under any subcategory, or folder. 
  2. Select the category and sub-category where you would like to save your document. The OCR will make some suggestions indicating where you should save the file. Like all IA, it will learn with time your saving patterns.
  3. You can also choose to upload the documents to the Unfiled section by clicking in the button on the left-button corner.

Step 3: Choose the Entity you want to assign this document to and click “Start Upload”.

  • If you are uploading documents to the company folders by default the primary entity will be selected.
  • If you have access to the private folders, you will be able to choose one entity.

Step 4: A pop-up upload status will be displayed.

  • If the files are uploaded correctly a green checkmark will appear.

  • If not a red notification mark will display an error message.

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